The Auto Industry & VantageScore

3 Credit Factors that Might Affect Your Auto & Homeowner’s Insurance Premiums

Drive Success with Predictive Performance

In the auto industry, the VantageScore model provides significant predictive performance improvement for account management and originations across the risk distribution.

The VantageScore Value

The VantageScore 4.0 credit scoring model can help drive success for auto lenders with:
  • Superior accuracy when predicting repayment risk
  • Patented characteristic-leveling technology irons out inconsistencies in scores obtained from different credit bureaus
  • Advanced model design accurately assesses approximately 33 million more potential customers who were previously “unscoreable” with traditional models

Together, we can build a stronger and more inclusive lending ecosystem.

Auto Industry Performance

Specific to the auto industry, the VantageScore 4.0 model provides a 6.3% performance improvement in account management and 2.5% lift in originations over a benchmark CRC credit score model.

More Consistent Consumer Scores Across the Three CRCs
Consistency of consumer scores remains strong, with nearly 80% of consumer scores falling within 20 points when sourced from two or more CRCs, and approximately 90% of consumer scores from the three CRCs falling within a 40-point range.
More Consistent Score Distributions Across the Three CRCs
In the auto industry, VantageScore 4.0 achieves consistent performance across the three major CRCs for both originations and management accounts.

Using VantageScore for the Credit Card Industry

VantageScore 4.0 helps lenders navigate the ever-changing landscape of credit scoring by aligning with the top CRCs and scoring more borrowers, more consistently.

To get started, contact your CRC representative and start using VantageScore 4.0 today.